For You

Order & overview in your everyday life

We make felt helpers to help you get more overview and order in everyday life.

Who does not know it, everyday life is usually turbulent and chaotic, so that order there is mostly neglected or at the end of the day mostly for it.

With our felt pocket organizers, we want to help you get full control over your bag, backpack and suitcase, so that you can navigate through everyday life without stress and without a heart.

For Your Bag

In this case, the main actor is your bag!

As is well known, order begins in your pocket. That is why our organizers specialize in this. (which by no means means that it should have been :)).

From the contents of the suitcase or the bag you can immediately recognize the character of the person. Creative and multi-talented people are often chaotic – but that is not a bad thing, but rather the opposite: they are those who create a lot, always have new ideas and consciously neglect the boring routine tasks such as order in everyday life “a bit”.

Do you recognize yourself? 🙂

Enjoy browsing!

If you have any questions, please contact me via live chat, Facebook, Instagram or the classic way by email or phone 🙂